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Australian Designers Collections Lookbook

Prashanti Kanagasabai, Business Development Manager for The Australian Trade Commission (AusTrade) in New York City hired ERA404 to design the booklet to accompany their event, The Australian Designers Collection. The fashion show in January will unveil Australian fashion designers to the United States and is part of the Ford SuperModels of the World event. The wiro-bound booklet features 16 designers with bios and samples of their work and was printed at Hudson Printing in Long Island City.

NBC Universal/Comcast Book

To commemorate the merger of NBC Universal and Comcast, William Bartlett, SVP of Executive Communications for NBC hired ERA404 to design a 54-page book showcasing the companies’ history and milestones leading to the merger.

Global Investment Research Illustrations

ERA404 worked with a prominent NYC-based Investment Company and Creative Director, William Imboden, to create a 60-page, leather-bound book to document the culmination of a year’s worth of global investment research. The book featured 35 charts, 12 original illustrations (including a three-spread, full-color rendering of Tom Sawyer on the Mississippi), laser-etched cherry wood medallions and tons of research information and photography.Read More

Brooklyn Wine Company Label Collection

Brooklyner Adam Goldstein, of the Brooklyn Wine Company, hired ERA404 to design the labels for three of his new wines, Feliz Red, Feliz White and Grand Army Meritage. Illustration for the pieces was provided by Brooklyn’s own, Ryan Seslow. The labels have been applied to the first bottling available now exclusively at, also designed by era404, as well as T-shirts currently being sold at Brooklyn Industries (

Michelle Rago “Signature Weddings”

Michelle Rago, NYC-based Weddings and Events planner, hired ERA404 to conceptualize a book to showcase her design process for destination weddings. (Signature Weddings – Creating a Day Uniquely Your Own, Gotham Books 2007). The 230-page book was featured in Modern Bride, The Knot and Martha Stewart Weddings, as well as numerous industry publications and television promotions.

Major League Baseball

David Klinkowize, Senior Compositor at CreativeGroup.TV contacted ERA404 about collaborating on the concepting, design and execution of the Major League Baseball packaging for ESPN. The project consisted of heavily art-directed metropolitan imagery, rendered as high-resolution stills for animation and composite in Autodesk Smoke.

The campaign also featured a custom billboard element for projecting tune-in, sponsor logos, and team names. Imagery was also used in a 2-page full color spread in ESPN magazine, to announce the graphic campaign and baseball season.